1. Academic Calendar
Fall 2023 Registration Calendar
Palm Beach State College Academic Calendars
2. Staff/Faculty Calendars: Academic - Class Meeting - Registration
View the current 2023-2024 Academic Calendar prepared by the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. View Student Services Academic and Registration ...
A culmination of academic calendar, class meeting, and student services academic and registration calendars.
3. [PDF] ACADEMIC CALENDAR - Palm Beach State College
The development of each Academic Calendar is begun in October, 3 years prior to the academic year of that calendar. 2. A draft of the Academic Calendar is ...
4. Academic Affairs Calendar and Final Exam Schedule
The Academic Affairs Calendar is issued each July and lists the important due dates for Academic Affairs activities for the academic year. This calendar is ...
The Academic Affairs Calendar is issued each July and lists the important due dates for Academic Affairs activities for the academic year. This calendar is available online at the web address above.
5. Registration Dates - Palm Beach State College - Smartcatalogiq.com
Registration windows and other important dates are located on the registration calendars at www.palmbeachstate.edu/AcademicCalendar.
Students begin registering at different times, depending on their status as degree-seeking and certificate-seeking, non-degree-seeking, transient, noncredit or high school dual enrollment/early admission. Registration windows and other important dates are located on the registration calendars at www.palmbeachstate.edu/AcademicCalendar.
6. The School District of Palm Beach County / Calendar
Key Dates - 2024-25. Holidays. July 4, 2024: Independence Day; No School & District Offices Closed August 20, 2024: Fall Holiday; No School & All Employees ...
'); $(document).on('click', function() { $('#calendar-event-overlay').remove(); }); $('#calendar-event-overlay').css({ 'left': ($this.offset().left - ($('#calendar-event-overlay').outerWidth() / 2) + ($this.outerWidth() / 2)) + 'px', 'top': ($this.offset().top - $('#calendar-event-overlay').outerHeight() - 18) + 'px' }).bind('mouseleave', function() { $(this).remove(); }); } function EditMyEventRegistration(eventDateID, userRegID) { //LoadEventRegistrationEdit(userRegID); LoadEventDetail(eventDateID, userRegID, true) } function RemoveMyEventRegistration(userRegID,EventDateID) { //var data = "{userRegID:" + userRegID + ", EventDateID:" + EventDateID + "}"; swalert('Are you sure you want to remove this registration?','Remove Registration','critical','yesno',YesRemoveMyEventRegistration,'','',{userRegID:userRegID,EventDateID:EventDateID}); } function YesRemoveMyEventRegistration(userData) { var data = "{UserRegistrationID: " + userData.userRegID + ", EventDateID: " + userData.EventDateID + "}"; var StartDate; var EndDate; if ($('#myeventslist-txt-startdate').val() == '') { StartDate = '1/1/1900'; } else { StartDate = $('#myeventslist-txt-startdate').val(); } if ($('#myeventslist-txt-end...
7. Academic Calendar | PBA - Palm Beach Atlantic University
FALL 2024. July. 29, Accelerate classes begin. AUGUST. 8, New Faculty Orientation. 12, Faculty Return to Campus. 12, Community Day.
Important dates on the undergraduate and graduate academic calendar can be found here.
8. Palm Beach State College
Academic Calendar · Career Pathways · Employment · About PBSC
Choose PBSC if you want a complete educational, cultural and social experience. Whatever your interests, you’ll find a group, activity or program that appeals to you. And, faculty and staff who truly care about helping you succeed.
9. Palm Beach State College Profile - FloridaShines
The college calendar provides the timeframes for registration through the academic year. Academic Calendar: http://www.palmbeachstate.edu/academiccalendar/.
4200 South Congress Avenue
10. Palm Beach State College
Schedule · Roster · News · Stats · Facebook · Instagram · Golf · Schedule · Roster · News · Schedules · Baseball Schedule · Beach Volleyball Schedule ...
Palm Beach State College

11. [PDF] SCHOOL CALENDAR 2023-2024 - BoardDocs
1st Semester. 2nd Semester. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. EMERGENCY MAKE-UP DAYS (EMD). EMPLOYEE CONTRACT PERIODS. HOLIDAY. DATE. Pursuant to S. 1011.60(3)(d) FS, the ...
12. Academic Class Meeting Calendar Wizard - Palm Beach State College
Academic Class Meeting Calendar Wizard ... The Academic Class Meeting Calendar Wizard is an Excel workbook that, when given 7 pieces of date information by the ...
This Wizard assists in creating the Academic Calendar. Once a Class Meeting Calendar has been created for an entire academic year, the date information can be used to complete the State-mandated Academic Calendar.